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Lol, more poems??
Okay, this (and the previous two) poem(s) has(ve) a secret meaning in it. (I hate singular and plural forms...)
I challenge you all to decipher it, my fellow classmates!


Tenderly the waves,
as they brush the starboard,
bearing no harm
to my mentality.
But will it always be calm?

Night time sharpens,
awakening the devil within,
bearing immeasurable danger
to my mentality.
But land isn't far away!

Sad, remorseful,
lost in a dilemma.
Should I let the waves engulf my ship,
as I row away
to safety?

But leaving my reputation in a wreck!


Here's another really short one. :)

Gone is summer, when rays shine brightly.
Gone is autumn, when colours fall modestly.
Gone is winter, when snow descend.
Now that it's spring, when would it end?


This one is stupid.
Don't bother to comment on it.

Liquid Paper

Liquid Paper
Liquid Paper
Liquid Paper

Liquid Paper!


And here are the videos. (yes, more)
Here to destroy your ears with distortion and shrieking noises.
Of course, I'm not binding you with a contract, so you can scram whenever you want.

Fur Elise

The Little Negro
