A bed of...?

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Well, not roses really...
Now that school's reopened for exactly a week, it's starting to get complicated...
Malay's a breeze as usual...
For English, we had to read the book 'About Mice and Men'.
With those American slangs, it's really hard to grasp the meaning.
Music requires us to understand how to read an orchestral score, which is, easier said.
Blah blah blah...
Okay, so the rest is okay except Chemistry and Biology...
Biology is really sick...
The fond questions asked are:
How is the penis adapted for internal fertilisation during sexual intercourse?
Tabulate three differences between a male and female gamete with reference to size, quantity produced each time and mobility...
What nonsense...

Chemistry was worse...
While you guys are stuck with solid, liquid, gas and those stuff, here's the periodic table... = =
And how to apply it...
Chemistry ftw!
Signing off.

(One of my shortest posts...?)